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Installing Clojure on Ubuntu

These instructions allow you to install Clojure and the Light Table editor on Ubuntu 14.04.

  1. Install OpenJDK, Leiningen and Curl. At the terminal type:
    sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk leiningen curl
  2. Download the Linux 64-bit version of Light Table from and decompress the tarball file. At the terminal type:
    tar xvzf LightTableLinux64.tar.gz
  3. To run the Light Table editor, execute the following command from the terminal:
  4. In the editor create and evaluate a new Clojure source file. Type Ctrl-N and write the name of the file using a .clj extension. Write a simple Clojure expression (such as: (+ 1 2)) then press Ctrl-Shit-Enter to evaluate the file. It takes a while the first time you do this, so be patient.